I raise this idea for discussion as an individual, but also in my role as Coordinator of the Stop Bullying Coalition. We should advocate for the development of additional innovation to address the growing problems of homelessness and affordable housing, and seek effective and continuing support for the enhancement and protection of the rights and wellbeing of all tenants.

Therefore, I wish to explore the potential for citizens living in subsidized housing to join with landlords of public and subsidized multifamily housing to collaborate in advocacy for the continued Federal support of existing housing programs. And landlords who have partnered with HUD to provide decent, safe, affordable housing may face the collapse of their business model.

In the face of potentially draconian policies and reduction of support for subsidized and affordable housing, citizens that rely on such programs face a bleak future. Too often the differences of interest and perspective that can separate landlord and tenant are magnified, when in fact we have major common interests that should supersede our differences and perhaps lead to better common understanding and working together.