As she’s about to start her life at Durham University, lucky enough to have her two friends along with her, there is one concern on her mind: not just that she’s never been kissed, but that she’s never seemed to have had legitimate feelings for anyone, of any gender. That, and her avid consumption of love stories, particularly fanfiction, leading to her hopeless romantic ways. She’s never really liked anyone either – not for real, anyway – but her two best friends Jason and Pip have kept her going through secondary school.

In Loveless, protagonist Georgia Warr has never kissed anyone. A guide for the teenager you were in your memories, and continue to carry with you. Even for readers no longer in their teens, Oseman’s work feels like retrospective hand-holding. Alice Oseman has her fingers in many creative pies – graphic novelist, author, screenwriter – but this hasn’t stopped her becoming one of the most recognised names in British Young Adult fiction, particularly those exploring subjects of mental health and the struggles of the LGBT community as it pertains to adolescence.