
Final Exposure by Fae Sutherland
Final Exposure by Fae Sutherland

Convict: ex/ convicts with learning credentials to write. Peacemaking focuses on people working together in order to reduce crime.

Final Exposure by Fae Sutherland

Post modernist that builds tenet in the postmodern thought. Feminist that redirects to gender awareness. What five emerging conflict perspectives discussed in this chapter purport to explain crime and criminality? Left realist that says that asses crime and it's problems. It also does not emphasize the method of social change. What are the central tenets of radical criminology? What are its shortcomings? The central tenets of radical criminology are social class, bourgeoisie, and proletariat.They disagree with what people say is fair. The conflict perspective is a fundamental aspect of social life and can not fully be resolved. Pluralist perspective says that there are many values that exist in society, but most agree on law as dispute resolution. (What does something really mean) Do people influence life course? What three analytical perspectives on law and social order were described in this chapter? Consensus perspective that mentions that most members of society agree about what is right and wrong and work together to better society. What are the shortcomings of social development perspectives of criminality? Definitional issues. What kinds of social policy initiatives might be suggested by social development perspectives? Providing discipline to families (values), support core social institutions (church, schools), promote prevention strategies, interring with delinquent behavior, identifying and controlling juvenile offenders, and establishing a broad spectrum of sanctions. Criminal careers, life course, trajectory, turning points, social capital, human agency, developmental pathways, life course persistent.

Final Exposure by Fae Sutherland Final Exposure by Fae Sutherland

What are the central concepts of social development theories? Describe each.

Final Exposure by Fae Sutherland